- BS in Life Sciences, MS in Communication. Pursing a PhD in Life Science Communication. Roses are red and violets are blue, rose violets are purple.
- Good at computational analysis. As everyone else I use R and Python. I also use NetLogo for agent-based modeling analysis.
- Generally interested in misinformation/disinformation/conspiracies. Recently interested in scientists’ images delivered by government media, and fake medicine under the veil of patriotism.
- I’m competent in breaking the sterotypes of (1) Asian students are hardworking and (3) Asian students are good at math.
- I decided to leap into Communication Studies in my junior year, when I confronted Cui YongYuan, an anti-GMO opinion leader in China giving speeech at Fudan Journalism School in 2015. I realized the importance of “having a say” and wanted to be a KOL as well by digging into Communication academics. Six years have passed, and now I doubt that I can actually turn to KOL earlier if I shared porns/memes/kitties/other popular stuff and gradually introduce my personal thoughts.
- Same age with Lena “Tracer” Oxton. Next year will be the same as Bonnie MacFarlane.
- Heterosexual. But you can call me by any pronouns because I mess up “he/she” almost everytime when I speakout in English. And of course, epic boobs can turn straight girls into lesbians in 0.39 seconds, if you have seen that meme.
- Watched/listened more than 100 loops of My Own Swordsman (《武林外传》,a 80-episode Chinese sitcom)during quarantine.
- If I have not spent/wasted 1000+ hours playing Overwatch and 500+ hours playing Red Dead Redemption franchise since grad school, and instead put these time in studying and researching, I should now probably be admitted into American Philosophical Society.
- Planning a trip along the Mississipi River before I graduate.